Monday, January 8, 2018

#oneword 2018

I was very motivate to choose my #oneword this year as I read other posts and participated in the Principals In Action chat (#PIAChat).  I love the idea of one word to keep me focused throughout the year instead of a lofty resolution I probably won't be able to keep any way.  I am also looking forward to reading Jon Gordon's book "One Word that Will Change Your Life" which has led this #oneword movement.

As I read other's words and thought about what I wanted 2018 to be for me, I went through a few words but knew the right word would choose me.  I thought about wanting to prioritize and focus on specific tasks each day. I want to focus on developing relationships and continue to motivate my staff and create a positive school culture. I want to focus on myself and my family and take time to unplug.
It didn't take long to realize that my word would be FOCUS!

There's so much to do at home and school each day and sometimes I feel like I've spent the day doing a lot and not accomplishing much. I need to FOCUS.  I need to find my priorities for the day and FOCUS what is most important to get done.

I have a new system for creating and keeping my 'to do' list which will let me FOCUS on the 3 most important tasks for the day between home and school.  This will allow me to get into classrooms on a more regular basis.  My goal for 2018 is to Focus on coaching my teachers to be the best instructional leaders they can be in the classroom.  They need my support to become #Pirates who do what's best for kids.

Focusing on relationships that I build each day with students, staff, colleagues, families and community members is another priority.  I want to take time to slow down and listen to the those around me. I want to be intentional and present in conversations I have with students and my teachers.  I want them to know that I care about them.  I'm going focus more on my 2/10 conversations- choosing a student (or teacher) to have a 2 minute conversation with for 10 days in a row.

2018 will be a year of Focus and intentional planning, listening and coaching of my teachers.

I hope you all have your #oneword to guide you through 2018. No matter what word we choose, the process of choosing our words has already made an impact on our goals for the year.  Good Luck with your #oneword and here's to a great 2018!

Sometimes I cry....

I was recently in a #PIAChat on Twitter and Kelley McCall (@mccall_kelley) shared a quote "Vulnerability is the essence of connection a...